Photographs of Rejerrah Village, Surrounding Hamlets and its Residents
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This page shows just some of the many Places and Individual Characters of the Village of Rejerrah over the past hundred and fifty years.
Original Rejerrah Chapel – Circa 1800’s
Rejerrah Chapel circa 1890
Rejerrah Chapel – Circa 1900
Rejerrah Tea Treat 1907
Rejerrah Tea Treat 1907
Rejerrah Tea Treat 1908
Rejerrah Band of Hope Tea Treat 1910
Rejerrah Band of Hope Tea Treat 1910
Rejerrah Band of Hope
Rejerrah Band of Hope
The Pascoe Family – September 1914
Mr Eddie Pascoe back from the War – 1918
Alice May – Rosedene Rejerrah Downs – Circa 1920
Alice May – Rosedene Rejerrah Downs – Circa 1920
Young Joan Bidwell nee Rowe and her grandmother at Primrose Cottage, Stampas, Rose – Circa 1926
Mr Bert Bidwell with boys at Sea View Rejerrah – Circa 1973/74
Mrs Joan Bidwell & Son John – Late 1970’s or early 1980’s
Mr Bert Bidwell at Sea View, Rejerrah – Circa 1980’s
Maureen and her father Bert Bidwell – Circa 2000
Brothers David & Steven Bidwell at Pine Trees, Reen Cross Road – Circa 2004
The Bidwell Family – Circa 2004
Bert, Mo & Joan Bidwell at Pine Trees, Reen Cross Road – Circa 2004
The Bidwell Family – Circa 2005
John Bidwell & Dorothy Mitchell nee Bidwell – 2013
John Bidwell home for a visit – 2013
John Bidwell – Home for visit and has to get his fix – A Pasty – 2015
The Original Rejerrah Chapel and Sunday School – Nov 2015
The Original Rejerrah Chapel and Sunday School – Nov 2015
Dennis Carter 90th Birthday 3rd June 2019
Saddlerock Farm
6 thoughts on “Photographs of Rejerrah Village, Surrounding Hamlets and its Residents”
we Lived in the Duchy Peru up to 1962. I worked on Saddle Rock Farm for William John Penna , used to play with Terry Buscombe and the Dawes ‘s still think of the good time we had down on the old railway line picking wild strawberry’s ,60 odd years ago now .
we Lived in the Duchy Peru up to 1962. I worked on Saddle Rock Farm for William John Penna , used to play with Terry Buscombe and the Dawes ‘s still think of the good time we had down on the old railway line picking wild strawberry’s ,60 odd years ago now .
I lived at Rejerrah in a cottage called Well Lovely until 1959 and my friend was called Terry Dawes if I remember correctly?
i liveed in rejerrah from 1935 until 1952 our lower field near old chapel
I knew another Cyril Dawes my age who played snooker at Newlyn East that was 70/80’s.
i think that cyril dawes was from cubert
I lived at Rejerrah in a cottage called Well Lovely until 1959 and I thought my friend was called Terry Dawes?