Goonhavern Old Cornwall Society

Goonhavern & District Old Cornwall Society

Our winter meetings are held at The Village Hall

usually on the last Friday of the each month Sept to May excluding Dec.



Friday 27th September, 2024

Speaker: Peter Benbow


1870’s TO 1930’s

Friday 25th October, 2024

Speaker: Len Shepherd


`Perran Feast Supper` at the conclusion

Friday 29th November, 2024

Speaker: Andrew Langdon



Friday 17th January, 2025  


Friday 31st January, 2025

Speaker: Kathy Wallis


Friday 28th February, 2025

Speaker: Clive Benney



Friday 28th MARCH 2025

Speaker: Roger Radcliffe 


Friday 25th April, 2025

Speaker: Paul Holden



Friday 30th May, 2025



Tea and Biscuits will be available free of charge at the close,

Members Cornish supper as shown.

  Non-members welcome at a cost of £2.00 per person. 

Large Car Park & Wheelchair Access

All are welcome

Our 2025 Calendar is available

from Bridge Stores Goonhavern or Derek Brooks 07767 143728  PRICE £5.00

16 thoughts on “Goonhavern Old Cornwall Society”

  1. My dear Old Cornwall Society members
    Would someone please tell me where I can obtain a St Piran kilt. I have the Cornish National tartan kilt but am anxious to wear the St Piran kilt now and again. If you type in Cornish Kilts Your Kilt on your P.C log onto that and scroll down where there is a write up about me and two photos.
    I am 88 on 27th of this month and was born in Nancegollan I wear my kilts at least twice every week I used to work up Redruth at Pengellys Garage
    I look forward to hearing from you
    Kindest Regards
    Preston Thomas

  2. Good evening
    I have a few memories of the Chacewater – Newquay Branch after closure. I am not from Cornwall, but I have spent 50 years being fascinated and captivated by this line. In 1973 my family first visited Gwills Farm Camping Site (think now it is called Riverside). There was a railway over bridge immediately before the entrance. The railway embankment still existed to the top side of the site and a climb up revealed infrastructure and a sign still extanct. Not far away we discovered in the valley, the level crossing and platform of Trewery and Trerice Halt. Happy to go on, but not sure if your society meets or is interested.

    1. Evening Gayle, thank you for your memories, The Chacewater to Newquay Branch line was a popular, profitable line and a shame it was closed down by Dr Beecham. I just remember the train going through my Village at Goonhavern. There are a few of us that still are interested in it’s history. I am preparing a talk on my part of the line up to Shepherds Station and back down to Gravel Hill (Penhale).

  3. Hello. My name is Keren Cowell and I live on the Isle of Man. My great great grandfather was the first of our Nicholls family to live on the island and he used to live in Rose. His name was John Nicholls. He was what we would call these days’ headhunted’ employment wise to come over to the island to be in charge of the mines at Foxdale . According to my Uncle Peter, who visited Rose twice, once in the 1930’s by himself on his motorbike and in 1981 with his wife, Joy with his car,once my great great grandfather left Rose[ prob early-mid 1800’s] he never returned and never lost his broad Cornish accent. On one of my uncle’s visits[think prob the first one] he asked about the Nicholls family roots in the village and was directed to two houses where in one, a Billy Nicholls lived with his sister , a Mrs Robbins. On the door of Billy Nicholls house, when the door opened he came face to face with the double of his Uncle, so alike was Billy. On the other visit he was directed to an old lady who was at that
    time the oldest resident in the village at about 102 or 103 and amazingly enough she could still remember my great grandfather visting her with his father[presumably John Nicholls] and then
    directing them to the chapel where all the Nicholls family used to worship at and have a family pew. .. I have never visited the area around Rose and Perranporth, where some of the family either worked or lived but I have promised my Uncle Peter[who is now 93 himself] that one day I will to connect with my roots as unfortunately this particular Nicholls branch finishes with Uncle Peter as neither myself or my half sister have any male children and we ourselves go by other surnames now………So one day I will visit the home of my fathers so to speak and will reconnect with my heritage…..Keren Cowell

    1. Nice to hear from you Keren, hopefully some of the Rose photos are interesting for your family. It has not changed too much over the years, some parts very old. Hopefully one day you will have the chance to come back “home” for a visit.

    2. Good evening Karen , am the great granddaughter of Mrs robins from firs farm goonhavern , and have links with the family names you have mentioned I wonder if there is a link , my Mum has many pictures il try and get posted and share

  4. Hi, I am looking at the Old Cornwall Society picture above, and am wondering whether Nancy and Peter Greenwood still reside in the Goonhavern area? It has been many years since I have seen them. Thanks for your help

  5. Hello, could you please tell me whether Mr William Curnow who was Headmaster at Goonhavern in 1956 then went on to be Headmaster at Ludgvan near Penzance? I went to Ludgvan school from 1961 to 1964 so remember a William Curnow as headmaster, but he looked very different to that picture? Hoping someone can help me.

    1. Hi Kate, No not the same man, William Curnow was at St Allen first before coming to Goonhavern in 1950 and stayed here until retiring in 1974 and living in the village till his death.

  6. I`m hoping you can help me locate a place my mother, who is almost 84 years old, used to visit on her holidays in the 1930`s. As far as I can tell from what my mother recalls, it was called Mewtons Farm and was somewhere in the Goonhavern area. If the buildings still exist and I knew where they are located, I could take some photo`s of the place the next time I`m down your way. I know my mother would like to see some pictures of how the place looks now to compare with the old black and white ones she has from when she was a girl. Thanking you in anticipation of any help you can give. Kind regards, Jonathan Preece.

    1. Hi Jonathan, The only Mewton’s I can think of is the farm at Zelah (Marazanvose actually), 2 miles from us in Goonhavern. The owner is Gordon Mewton, and a Reg Mewton used to come down Goonhavern to have a game of snooker, he served in WW1, gives you an idea of ages. If you have a photo of the farm, send it to me and I will post on our Facebook page, there are some older Zelah people on it. [email protected]

      1. Hello Derek. Thank you for your assistance. I will see if I can get some of the old photo`s from my mother. I will scan them and email them directly to you. regards, Jon.

    2. Hi, my Mother who is 85 was evacuated to Zelah when she
      was 8 and remembers the farm she stayed at called, the cost
      is lost Farm, and has fond memories of her time there leaving
      when she was 12 years old, that would have been 1939 to 1943,
      hope this is of interest to you.

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